Wow, it just gets better and better
I can't believe how well poker is going at the moment, I just feel invincible.
So what's happened tonight? Ended up falling asleep on the couch at 8am til about 2pm and then fell back asleep around 6pm til 7:45. Watched the first half of the Arsenal game and went to the farmers, we came 4th in the quiz but had lots of fun and then came home.
Jen went to bed and I thought I'd have a set of 30 fifty 50 games for the first time in ages, played 5x$100 10x$60 and 15x$30, cashed 17 of them but it was 4 $100s and 9 $60s including 3 of them on 9k chips so made $800 from one set running at 45% roi. Hope you're reading that Rob, I'm looking good on the bet.
I then moved over to tournaments. It started badly, I was playing awfully and losing every flip and getting a bit fed up, was down about $500 but still had a few games going well, I ended up heads up in a $15 180 man game and I don't mind admitting this, I got totally outplayed, he possibly ran golden heads up but if not he played very well, so I ended up 2nd for $500.
Had some more games going, I cashed a $55 800 runner tourney for about $100 an $11 rebuy for $45, came 4th in a small $9.90 game for $35 and a $27.50 tourney for about $50. but had a $109 220 runner game going.
I started badly, missed a big draw and was down to 1000 chips but doubled with JJ v A4 and then AK v AQ to get up to 4k. then won some more pots pre and had AA in SB when button shoved, I held vs his Q8 and was on 10k. Took some pots pre and got up to 15k then blew 5k with 33 v AT.
Made the money which was guaranteed $150 and then got AA again, there was a raise and a call so I shoved from the BB and they both call, 88 and AKo. I held and was suddenly chip leader on 30k. Then got QQ, short stack all in, button shoved to try and isolate with A4, I flopped Quad queens and was cruising on 50k. we were soon down to 12, and I was raising lots to pick up pots, raised on hand with 58o and the SB shoved but I was priced in and called, he had AT, I flopped 8 and rivered straight to put me on 80k.
Tried to take some more pots pre but the aussie on my left wouldn't let me get away with it so I went to the final table on 80k in 2nd place.
Again my raises didn't get through and I was down to about 50k or so but we were down to 6 players. I was guaranteed $950 and when the cutoff shoved I decided to call in BB with ATo. he had AK but I hit the ten and held and was right back in there, next hand someone all in with QJo, I called AQ but the Jack came so I guess that was fair after the AT hit.
we were soon down to 4 and I was very much the shortest, I tried to broker a deal at this point but noone seemed interested, then I got AQ, and button shoved, I called, he had 78s. Q on turn left him dead and me looking good at last. Next hand he shoved again A7o and again I had AQ, and again Q on turn left him dead leaving us 3 handed and me a big chip lead.
I started taking pots down pre but then the other two clashed, Leguito (a player I know well from the 50 50s) won and we were heads up with him well ahead.
We immediately decided to deal, he took $4k, I took $3,800. Another phenomenal result and means I can go get pissed tomorrow and have another day off!
Probably won't sleep now cos totally buzzing and just can't believe the run I'm on. I hope it continues, I'm obviously doing something right.
Maybe having this blog is helping me focus, I dunno? but thank you all for reading!
nice result mate...again
Can I have a go on your account one day?? ;)
You obv. an excellent player but JJ-AA-AA QQ AQ AQ??
I get aces about once a month LOL
Are SN's golden??
2:28 AM
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