Back to sets of 30 games
Right, I'm back on the 30 games at once trail. First set was an absolute nightmare, got outdrawn every single hand but played fine, lost $200 on that one.
Second set looked pretty decent and than I managed to lose AA v A5 for a 5k pot in a $100 game so I went a bit mental. raise raise raise raise raise. Was proper crazy but it worked and I got out the set even when it looked like being huge losses.
Thought I'd give it a go like that in third set so played hyper aggressive when blinds got big, was shoving light, re shoving light, raising any unopened pots. I only cashed 12/30 games in this set but of those 12 I won 8 of them and made $350 profit on the set.
Slightly up on the day so far. Got footie tonight and then the quiz at the railway so nice relaxing evening before I get back to hammering the poker when I get in tonight. Looking forward to it!
Phase89 is still trying to make profit at these games whilst playing over 12,000 of them in a month. I know one of my followers has put $6000 on him failing and any one else with spare cash should bet against him too. He is not good enough at these games he just ran incredibly well and now thinks he's god of the games.
In my last set I noticed one of the tighter players re raising me quite a bit so started playing back at him but he had AQ and AK when I did that so he's still playing tight, he just ran hot against me so nothing to worry about there.
Really enjoyed the last set I played, feels good to be enjoying the poker again!
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