Sunday, October 09, 2011

Day 2. Interesting for once.

Well after the earlier disaster I decided to just play in some tournaments this afternoon.

Please a couple of sats and won a seat for the $215 entry sunday warm up. Would have won a 2nd seat but lost JJ v 77 in the sat and went on to bubble which was pretty horrible.

Most of the multis were pretty uneventful but I did really well in a 629 runner $27 knock out multi. I took 9 players out which more than covered buy in and made it all the way to the final table.

Did nothing really once there and when we got down to last 4 I tried to broker a deal but I was playing with 3 of the biggest idiots alive who seemed totally incapable of working out a deal so we played on and instead of dealing for $1,400 I ended up just on $900.

Still a good cash. Other games didn't go well. I built up a decent stack in the $215 entry and then raised with Ad9d flop was K 8 7 with two diamonds and I checked, pretty aggro player bet out so I went all in, he tanked and called with 99 and held. This left me very short and I ended up going out soon after with KQ v 88. Still was a free entry so can't complain too much.

ended up about $600 up on the session but lost $450ish earlier, here's current rolls.

$5,400 17,164 fpps and 1883 vpps


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