Back to work
Well I've had a very relaxing 2 days off. Hardly done anything, went the pub Wednesday and got a bit merry which was good.
I've played the occasional multi whilst I've been off and had a 6th in a $13.50 knockout tourney. shoulda won it but KK lost to A6 for massive pot six handed. picked up $120 for it though so not bad for overtime.
Got back down to 50 50s this morning, just had a very quick set of 7x$100 and 4x$60.
Made $150 but don't feel I played especially well, noticed some guy from Vietnam constantly re-raising me but his stats are dire so I'm not overly concerned.
Been sports betting on my break, was going great on the spread betting, had turned a free £100 into £2,700 but things have gone a bit wrong over the last few days and I'm under £2,000 now so need a big England win against France to get me back on track.
Had a look at the two+two poker forums to read about some guy who I play against trying to play 12,000 games this month and make a profit. I told him he had no chance as he wasn't good enough and one of his mates went mental at me. Don't think I like it there but will pop in occasionally to try and find inside info on any of my regular opponents.
The grind will start in earnest today, I should be playing 250 games on days that I play so only being on 11 so far really isn't good enough. I also played a $30 hyper turbo sixpak cos was bored and won it when my QJ flopped quads vs AK sometimes it's better to be lucky than good!!
Will try and update regularly.
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