Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Boom! Big tourney win!

Wasn't gonna update but I've just had a really good result so I thought I'd post about it.

This doesn't include any interesting life stories so people like Aimie (Who I thought it was absolutely lovely to see this weekend!!) Happy now, should read no further! heh

Got home from pub, watched fresh meat and then got into the poker. Regged for a load of tourneys as well as my 50 50s

I won a $15 45 man game for $200 but then lost most other tourneys so was around even but up about $450 from my 50 50s.

Then had final 4 games going, one of them I had a massive stack but managed to run Jacks into Kings to just miss out on cashing. lost the other two as well so just had one left a 1050 runner tourney costing $11 to play. Not sure how but I had a decent stack already, when playing so many tourneys you don't tend to notice how you accumulate chips.

Kept on playing it nice and steady but it was a turbo so was raising quite regularly, I remember being up to about 60k after winning a big flip with JJ v AQ and then the SB shoved my BB when I had AQ, I instacalled, he had K4, Ace flopped and I was chip leader.

Kept raising a lot and had a really decent chip lead. Then raised 88 with about 20 players left when I had over 220k and the K4 guy shoved for 70k. I had to call and he had Tens and held and that was my first real hit of the night but it wasn't terminal and I just kept raising and picking up blinds and was soon back in command. 15 players left and I had 99 and shoved from the button, SB called AQ, flop was 9 7 4 leaving him drawing dead which never happens and I was back to a decent chip lead. A few players got talking to me and seemed interested in me going for SNE next year so might even have some new followers on my blog and twitter.

Kept raising, started feeling a bit of resistance, then got AA twice in about 10 hands and both times just got the blinds. we were down to 10 pretty quickly, I was in 2nd with one big stack on other table who had about double my stack but I was able to take a few blinds but then there were two all ins called, one on each table and shorties lost both putting us straight to an 8 seater final table.

Table was pretty weak and most raises were getting through, again AA got no action. We got down to 5 players pretty quickly and me and two others wanted to discuss a deal as chip stacks were all pretty even and we'd have probably ended up with around $1,100 each which would have been superb. But we couldn't get a response from either of the other two. Then the brit went out with 22 v KQ and one of the guys who wouldn't deal lost with AJ v A8 against the other one, and that's when he finally decided to talk and whinge.

I'd gotten up to chip lead by taking pots pre but shoved A8 from SB and BB had AT and held putting me back in trouble, 3 handed stacks were about 1m, 600k and me on about 300k.

Big stack raised from SB and I shoved with KTs from BB, He snap called QQ but K hit and suddenly we're all pretty even.

Same guy then picks up a few pots to take chip lead again, he raises me and I shove again, this time with QTo. He calls with A5 which I think is a pretty bad call, I hit trip tens and suddenly I have a very big chip lead.

The other two soon clash, AJ v A8 again and again the crazy guy wins with A8. I'm annoyed at this as the AJ guy would have dealt heads up but instead I take him out next hand and we're down to just two.

pretty even stacked but I know I'm far better than this other guy, few raises and folds. Then I hit straight with 67 on A 8 9 T 3 board, I bet the river and he raises me, there are 3 diamonds out there so I just call and he shows T3. I coulda got them all but I was being a bit too cautious and then two hands later I raise and he goes all in, I call with KJ but he has AQ and holds so we're back level.

I then come to life and really start hammering him pre and post flop and get him down to about 400k v my 1.5m. He raises, I shove with 44 and he calls AQ, it comes 8 9 7 7 T and I'M THE CHAMPION!!

That feeling of winning a multi is so incredible! lasts for ages and gives me such a buzz. Was a $2,000 pick up and really feel like I played very well all day today!

Sorry to bore all you non poker people with this but it is a poker blog after all!

Thanks to those who stayed up to watch me!


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