Attacked with the man flu stick
That's not a euphemism, sadly I've been ill all week,
I noticed it on Monday at footie and woke up Tuesday feeling utterly garbage, it's just a bad cold really but it's bloody annoying as can't concentrate for long enough to play poker and to be honest would rather be lying on the couch.
This leads me to my next point - Daytime TV sucks!! I know I'm always at home but I never really watch the daytime telly, it's just background noise whilst I'm playing poker but now I'm lying on the couch just watching the telly. Jeremy Kyle is good for a laugh though I guess.
So what else has happened since my last blog on Monday. Nothing. I played some games yesterday, didn't fancy the normal so played some sit and go tournaments, started well but then ran silly bad so gave up. when I do play I'm just gonna play 6 of my 50 50 games tiled and it seems to be working, made $350 from the 12 I've played so far did run super hot my last set.
beat KK 3 times with AT A7 and AK and then QQ with A9 and 99 also with A9 and then AK with K5o. I did lose JJ v A8 but I guess I deserved that.
Was nice to finally run good again, will play again in a bit and hope it continues but just so you all know, I played every hand there perfectly, just got a bit lucky.
oh, won two quizzes this week, Tuesday at the Farmers by 3 pts despite writing down GOLF when the answer was GOLD! Brain must have melted.
Then we won the railway quiz by a mile last night and we barely cheated!! I think woulda won without cheating but it's always nice to win by about 10 pts!
Today will mostly be spent eating soup and feeling sorry for myself, anyone who wants to send me love and cuddles it would be appreciated.
Oh, Dev has moved back home. yay.
Saw Drew and Dave this week for first time in ages which was also cool, had a few pints and a cigar and a good chat with them and somehow didn't have to buy any of my drinks, felt like the world had been turned on it's head.
Oh finally, I think I need to use twitter, someone explain to me why it's so awesome and help me get good at it?
Off to watch repeats of friends and then some programme with antiques in.
Eugine and I have been discussing 'cheating' at our quiz and as you all know, there's no place for it here.
I know it's hard to stop everyone but please 'play fair', you've been coming here a long time and you really should know better!!
Help us to set a good example for everyone.
Thanks, and see you on Monday hopefully.
Railway Inn
4:50 AM
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