Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More quizzes and maybe a little bit of poker

so, two days since I last updated my blog and I can hear you all wondering what I've been doing for the past two days, well you've come to the right place to find out so well done you!

Tuesday wasn't a good poker day, I was playing in the afternoon but was just knackered, not playing my best and running badly, didn't cash in anything and ended up about $400 down so stopped and went for a sleep.

Went the Farmers quiz where we stormed to victory thanks to a reggae round on the music, me shouting UB40 for every song eventually was correct, we got 15/20 noone else seemed to get more than about 8.

We only got 3 general knowledge questions wrong all quiz, one was 'which river does Sunderland Stand on?' One was, 'Which coin went out of circulation in 1980?' And, erm I can't remember the other one. Sorry.

We won by 3 pts anyway so didn't matter and we also won the jackpot so we now have £180 in our little kitty. We've made over £300 this year from that farmers quiz, but probably spent about £600 behind the bar doing so! Oh well.

Wednesday I woke up around 5am wide awake and got straight into poker tournaments, was playing well but not running great. Came 10th in a $109 tournament when Q9 lost to J6, I know the hands sound crap but the situation dictated I call there, I was right but J on turn killed me.
Came 9th in a $33 game when AK lost to A9 and then came 5th in a $77 game when KJ lost to QJ. I won back the money I'd lost the day before plus a little bit more but should have been lots more. ah well, can't win them all.

Went to the railway quiz, there were loads of us so we formed 3 teams, my team was pretty much just Me Jen and Hayley but to be honest, that's all we needed. We won getting only 5 things wrong in the entire quiz without cheating. The other teams came 3rd and 4th but one of the team names was very abusive to me so I think I'll stop going unless Karen is nicer to me!

Got home and went to sleep, I don't think this blog has reached levels where you need to know about my dreams, but I did get up twice in the night to urinate.

Not gonna be playing much today as I've done something to my shoulder and it can be really painful when I'm playing plus I'm taking Naomi for lunch in a bit, might play a few $7 hyper turbos to get my poker fix for the day. Then going to the Blue Anchor tonight to support Aaron's quiz. Anyone who's free should come as it's very good fun.

Also I'm getting lots of strange abuse on this blog at the moment, and I love it, feel like I've made it so keep it coming kiddies :)

Hope everyone has a lovely day. I need to buy more curly wurlys. Bought 15 on Saturday, all gone already. oopsy!


Anonymous Kasmo said...

I'll stop making abusive team names when you give me my curly wurly!! :p

1:38 AM

Blogger Being Healthy said...

Well done for winning the Quiz again, in fact, 2 quizzes in one night! My yes, you must be a brain box. Maybe you could do online quizzes as well as online poker as your poker doesn't seem to be going so well?

Why does Kasmo not have a curly wurly? I thought you were giving them out to your friends? I am confused by this curly wurly situation, although I would quite like one myself.

2:53 PM


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