Wednesday, June 20, 2007

wow - what a day

Woke up early this morning and sat about for a bit, lost a £50 thunder and then entered the 9:30 multi

I was a bit busy with work so when i saw Kings and someone had raised I pushed all in, two callers and my KK holds v QQ and TT for an early treble up. Didn't do much from then on just kept my nose clean til final table, don't remember much more from then except raising with Queens, flop coming K 7 6 with two diamonds and tiddles going all in, i called figring he check raises with the King he has Jd9d and I held. The final table was very very weak I had _Mark_, The_Dog and VickieJo in final 4 and I was short stacked, I soon doubled up, then Mark took the dog out and vickie pushed on my BB and i called with KQs, hit the Q on turn to beat her Ace rag and we were heads up

The most boring heads up ensued Mark folded or limped pre flop every hand and never called my raises except when i had 66 and i flopped a set and turned quads, we went heads up with him having a 50k - 20k lead, I wore him down and eventually flopped trip 6s. He couldn't pass KTo on the 6 2 6 9 T board and it was game over.

I jumped straight in the midday multi then got a call off the bank saying I had to nip down there to sign some stuff, couldn't see anyone to babysit so thought I'd rush back, got back around 12:50 with 700 chips left, soon doubled when QTo called my all in with KQ and then A8o called my next all in, I had AT. and i was on 4k at the break.

After break I had 88 on 8 K J flop and knocked out AK and from then on I never looked back, final 4 was tiddles, jayjay and zanzabar, all three had been niggling at eachother all game so I thought I'd sit tight and let them self destruct, then i got AK, zanz raised, Jayjay all in, I call and hold vs A7o, next hand I have QQ and Tiddles all in from button with 22 and I'm heads up with a 2-1 lead

It wasn't long til Zanz raised, i pushed with ATs he called with KJo and board came 7 high.

Two multis to me

Played one more multi, the 2:45. only came 4th which was disappointing especially considering the fish left in when i went out, but so so card dead all game I did well to get that far.

Some muppet representing Jeri (Apr007) was giving me grief, jealousy is a sad sad thing! Still, 2 wins, a 4th and £900 profit = happy jazzy and a £1k withdrawal. sweeeet

keep the faith, off to circuits now

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have decided to ressurect my blog!

it will include all tales of online poker, my quest for perfection and the ritual abuse of the littlewoods "legends" hahaha!

Not played much today, just a few £50 thunders, but wanted to get the blog up and running again!

might play later! excited about Friday night in Basingstoke!

Let me all know if you want links and also tell me how to put links up! cheers all