Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back down to even :(

Since hitting Supernova on Tuesday things have gone a bit wrong!!

Played my first 300 game set for a while on Wednesday afternoon started off fine, and was round $600 up after 150 games, by 200 games that was down to even and then the horror show started. It was ridiculous, I ran 100,000 chips below EV (expected value) over the next 100 games which means I lost 100,000 chips I should have won and ended the set $1,500 down.

Then the evening session was exactly the same, I won't list all the bad beats but they were ludicrous and I lost another $1500. Today I went $1,200 down as the run continued but finished really well and ended up only $165 down on the set putting me up $9 for the year! haha

So it sounds bad, but this was a horrendous run of luck, I tried explaining to my sister (who doesn't really get poker as a career) by saying it was like Man U losing 12-0 to Accrington stanley because of a bizarre series of events like goal kicks bouncing off the defenders and back into the net etc but she still doesn't get it.

And also I've earned over $8,000 in bonuses which is around £5,000 so if I didn't play for the rest of the month I'd still be taking home £5,000 tax free which is what someone on a £100k a year job would get so I'm content with this but I know I can acheive so much more.

Won the quiz last night at the railway getting just one thing wrong all quiz! And we barely used google heh.

Had a nice meal there too, I've found that poker is making me really hungry all the time, dunno why but guess all this extra work on my brain must be burning some calories like when I do actual exercise!

Gonna give it another whirl in a bit and get some of this back.

Hope everyone is ok



Anonymous lil sis said...

You make me look stupid, but that just WOULDN'T happen in football. EVER. So that's stupid!

12:23 PM

Anonymous lil sis said...

ps Accrington Stanley... oo are dey?

12:23 PM

Blogger The App Man said...

But you haven't cashed your bonus in, so how are you paying a mortgage with nine USD???

10:31 PM

Blogger Jazzy Jon said...

I have won £3,000 on the bingo sites this month you'd have read in an earlier post, plus about £1,000 from betting. And I had some savings from when I won $20k in about 3 weeks at the end of last year. I'm a long way from the breadline Douglas, don't worry.

2:18 AM

Blogger The App Man said...

10:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon according to poker stats site you're about 2k down on the year?

6:10 PM

Blogger Jazzy Jon said...

I believe the exact figure is more like $1,400. But I've now earned over $10,000 worth of bonuses and have ran horrendously badly so far this year so I'm really quite happy with January profits. I'll update blog once I'm finished for the month anyway.

7:02 PM


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