Tuesday, January 03, 2012

New year and time to focus!

Well hello everyone,

I hope you all had a happy christmas and a very fun filled new year. Christmas day went well and new years eve was just a party at a friends house so that my friends who had kids could do something. We got drunk and had fun, same as everyone really!

So I've gotten back into the poker grind, I've finally set table ninja up which means I can play lots more games and as soon as one ends it will register me for an identical game. I tested it out in micro stakes over 40 games but started timing out too much and at 30 games I never used my timebanks so I've set it for 35 games but at the higher stakes there aren't normally 35 games running at any time so I've found myself playing mostly around 30 games but sometimes as low as 20.

So how has it been going? I had my first session on Monday night after getting back from the pub quiz (we came 3rd) I played for about 3 hours and managed around 120 games but lost about $200. It's weird because I no longer see any of the action at all and don't even know if I've cashed the game or not because it automatically closes the game for me once it's finished. I really only know how I've done come the end. I have someone who watches what's going on and they tell me the big hands in the bigger games.

Wanted to wake up today around noon and get straight back on it but stayed up watching the college football last night til 5am so didn't wake up til around 1. Had a few things to do and didn't get started til 1:45. I played through til 5pm (when Jen had my dinner ready for me). I ran super hot in the $200 games, had one all in 66 v TT and flop came T 6 6. I cashed in 9 out of the 11 $200 games which was fantastic especially as I won 4 of them. Finished the session around $2,600 up which was incredible but I did run pretty well and had lots of big cards.

2nd session started around 11:45pm tonight after I'd been the farmers quiz (which we won) and I played through til about 3:30am. Ran absolutely horribly in all the $60 games but did just well enough in the bigger games to cover it and ended up around $170 up which sounds awful compared with earlier, but I'll be delighted with $170 average profit from a session.

The concern at the moment is the points earned. I was hoping to make around 10,000 vpps a day which would get me to 3,000,000 for the year and around $380,000 in bonuses. Today I made just under 6,000 points but neither session was a full four hour session and I know I can put more tables on so at present it looks more like 2,000,000 for the year which is approximately $250,000 in bonuses which is still amazing obviously but we'll just see what happens and whether I can maintain this standard. Lots of new players who I need to get to grips with at the moment.

So after my first full day here are 2012 stats....

Games played - 494
VPPs earned - 7237
FPPs earned - 25,330
Profit/Loss - +$2,591
Bonuses earned - $500 (The bonuses are unlocked upon reaching a certain amount but this is the equivalent value of those I've earned so far)

So there we have it, must play more but I need to maintain a decent social life!

Sorry to non poker people for boring update, I'll do something better for you guys another day

Good luck to all poker friends, and be happy to all other friends.




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