Saturday, January 14, 2012

Finally back on track....

Well it had been a rough ride. This past week has been the unluckiest poker run of my life. I've had runs lasting longer in terms of time but because of the amount of games played this week has gone way beyond that, lasting almost 2,000 games.

To put this into perspective in 2009 I played a total of just over 4,000 games so it's the equivalent of me running badly for half that year!!

I knew it would happen at some point this year and I expect it'll happen again at least 5 or 6 more times just a bit of a shock for it to happen so soon.

But I've come through it, Friday I did 3 sessions, the first one I won just under $1500 and the second two were minute losses so not gonna concern myself with that.

I'm still a bit behind on my points targets, mostly because I wasn't in the mood to play so much last week when I was running so badly but a solid weekend of playing and I should be back on track there too.

In other news I've spent some time playing around on a bingo site. They have side games like slot machines and roulette and to make up for the hideous poker run I've ran absolutely golden there and made around £2,500!! Pure luck but hey, I'll take it!

I should get my first $4k bonus of the year by Monday and then will do a profit loss update along with projected 2012 earnings but at the moment everything is vastly under skewed because of the bad run and fewer games last week.

In fun news. Won the quiz on Tuesday, quite convincingly. That's three farmers arms quizzes won in a row and I'm actually slightly concerned people might be getting a bit fed up with us, but it makes up for the other quizzes I'm not winning.

Not a lot else has really happened this week, we lost at footie 5-0 but it was the most even 5-0 defeat ever! We just couldn't score and they couldn't miss.

I'll update again after the weekend blitz, see where we're at.

Hope everyone is happy and cheerful and smiling!



Blogger Richard Taylor said...

Good to see it turning Jazzy!

5:19 AM


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